Competencias y edades
ES 8 to 10 years
MS 11 to 13 years
HS 14 to 18 years
UP 19 to 99 years
Desarrolla un proyecto en equipo con técnica en Automatización y Robótica para beneficio de tu comunidad y de todo el mundo
Elegible: HS, UP
SumoBot LEGO (1 kg)
Head-to-head challenge against other robots or objects to push out of the doyho
Eligible: MS
SumoBot (1 y 3kg)
Head-to-head challenge against other robots or objects to push out of the doyho
Elegible:MS, HS, UP
Robo Ethics
Prepare two well-researched opposing arguments that can be used to address the ethics of robotics in our global society.
Elegible: ES, MS, HS, UP